Entry-level bags recommended to see if there is a favorite ?!

Entry-level recommended styles: three in one, wash bag, mahjong bag. Louis Vuitton Den’s bags cost around ten thousand dollars and are outstanding. Whether it’s over past or the next 20 years, everyone will recognize it. It is suitable for daily commuting commuting and shopping use, it is convenient and practical. Consider messenger bags, Speedy, bucket bag and other styles. 2, Dior (DIOR) Recommended entry styles: Bobby mini, Marmont clutch bag, saddle clutch bag. Clutch bag. Dior’s bag style classic and durable. If the budget is sufficient, you can to choose to buy directly, because the frequency of daily use is very high. Suitable for for all occasions, especially for girls who are obsessed with Dior, and buying in advance may be able to avoid a price hike at the end of the day. Purchase may be able to avoid the end of the price increase. 3, Chanel (CHANEL) Classic styles are 2.55, CF, Leboy, 19, wandering bag and so on. Each section is very classic and durable. If the economic conditions allow, you can consider Consider buying directly. Daily use frequency is very high! Suitable for all kinds of for all kinds of occasions. Especially for girls who have a love affair with Chanel, buying early may can also avoid future price increases. 4, Gucci (GUCCI) Introductory recommended styles: Marmont mini, mini cell phone bag, tiger head waist bag. Bag. Gucci perfect interpretation of the literary retro style, whether it is the classic element of the The capacity or practicality of the classic elements are outstanding! 5 Celine (CELINE) In the past two years, Celine is really very hot, the recommended styles for entry: Marmont fan You, mini cell phone bag, tiger head fanny pack. Who does not want to become a Celine girl It? Minimalist design style, daily casual and personality. Recommended Triumph Door, tofu bag, old flower series of underarm bag. 6, Prada (PRADA) Personally feel that Prada’s bag is a big name in the bag cost-effective is not high, but the version of the quality or not to say. But the version of the quality or not to say. All are versatile and practical style And the price is only in 1 ~ 3 million dollars or so, as the first big brand package to said, very good choice.

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